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Facebook Spy Tool

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  1. Free Facebook Spy Tool
  2. Facebook Spy Tool
  3. Facebook Ads Spy Tool

Social media marketing has revolutionized how people market both physical and digital goods. Nowadays, there is no marketing strategy without a social media front. And Facebook is always at the center of it. With this in mind, social media marketers and affiliates frantically search for ways to turn Facebook audiences into sales. Unfortunately, the majority of affiliates do not have huge budgets to spend on research and insight into in-demand products. Facebook Spy Tools do all heavy lifting! If you are a beginner, this the best guide for you. If you are an advanced marketer, here are some of the top Facebook ad spy tools you can consider.

With Mobile Tracker Free you can monitor conversations from Facebook messaging. View all messages received and sent from different conversations; View the details of each message with its date, type, recipient; No root required - It is not necessary that the phone is rooted. AdEspresso is a free Facebook ads spy tool and has a vast library of Ads related toFacebook. Quite interestingly, it has a great collection of advertisements from businesses that operate on the global platform. One can view these posters in this tool that comprises of all companies including the competitors. PowerAdSpy is among the most powerful Facebook Ads Spy Tools. By solely focusing on Fb Ads, PowerAdSpy has refined the art of spying on competitor's Fb Ads to provide you with top-notch actionable data for your Ad campaigns. This tool is built by Affiliates for Affiliates.

What Are Facebook Spy Tools?

As the name hints, Facebook Spy Tools snoop on your rivals to give you an inside scoop on their advertisement endeavors.

For one, you will get to know what your rivals are posting, where, and when. The frequency offers insight into the most active times to reach audiences.

Two, the Spy Tool shows you everything concerning the Ad including images, videos, links, text, and audio. If the Ad pleases you, you can copy it, change a few things and post it as your own.

Three, you can decipher the target audience including the age, geographical location, demographics, and devices used. From these insights, you can tweak the target audiences in a bid to reach more customers.

And finally, you can see how the competitor's Ad was received by the target audience. This is the most important information because it determines if the Ad was worth it or not.

Top Notch Facebook Spy Tools for 2019

Even though the competition is stiff, here are our best choices for top-notch Facebook Spy Tools of 2019

1. AdPlexity

AdPlexity is a total game changer. It runs covertly beneath the surface to track Ads running on Mobile and Desktop devices.

Additionally, AdPlexity will reveal Pop-under Ads that run on adult sites as well as the top under-the-radar Ad campaigns running on different mobile network traffic around the world.

To be honest, AdPlexity offers you every advantage in the market. You get access to the 120 Carriers Feature as well as the 100 Affiliate Network Feature.

AdPlexity presents Ads from 70 countries including all the major ones.


  • Extensive Ads database
  • Offers the 120 Carriers Feature which shows Ads running on mobile networks.
  • Features 100 Affiliate Network tool which displays the top Ads promoting affiliate offers
  • Supports all platforms including Mac, iPhone, Android, and Windows.


  • Expensive

2. AdSpy

AdSpy is all about optimizing PPC. This tool went all out to ensure you can search and filter results for virtually anything in the e-commerce market. All thanks to their Extensive Search Options feature.

Moreover, AdSpy allows you to see the actual running Ad of your rivals as well as the backdoor details on timelines, impressions, and targets.

You can download and use your competitor's Ad graphics and landing pages to replicate their success.

Free Facebook Spy Tool


  • Has the most Extensive Search Options in the market
  • Boasts an Ad database of over 69 million Ads across 197 countries
  • Ads span 88 different languages
  • Bypasses cloakers


  • The site often initiates timeout while you're still searching
  • Some displayed Ads have been spammed by Facebook

3. PayPerTrail

PayPerTrail specializes in Display and Native Ads. With PayPerTrail, you can access and optimize your competitor's Ad campaigns.

PayPerTrail presumes all your competitors leave a 'PayPer Trail' of their Ad strategies which you can copy and edit to suit your business.

You can also benefit from their extensive Ad database and actionable intelligence to improve your Facebook Ad reach and increase your ROI.


  • Offers all your competitor's Ad secrets and strategies
  • Has a huge Ad database of downloadable content
  • Covers both Native and Display Ads
  • Offers actionable recommendations to optimize your Fb Ad campaigns.


  • Expensive

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that e-commerce will never again be possible without spy tools. Facebook Spy Tools automatically give you a leg up over your competition by automating the most difficult aspect of e-commerce.

At this point, you have no choice but to change with the times. Choose wisely.

Have you ever looked into the best Facebook Ads spy tools existing in 2020 just to peek and sneak tips to get inspired and try them with your Ads?

Well, if you haven't yet, you should!

There are, in fact, so many tools on the web we could rely on – paid or free - for us to grab, use and improve!

Many companies have been trying out different tactics and metrics to improve their Ads during the years, especially if they've been around for a long time. They've been testing and checking out what has worked for their Ads and what hasn't by changing strategies, so .. if it worked for them, why shouldn't it work for you?

Let's discover together, through our article, which ones are the best Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020 for you to use and check those Ads that could fit your strategy:

  1. The importance of Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020
  2. Top 4 Best Free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020
  3. Top 4 Best Paid Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020

1. The importance of Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020

Facebook Ads started out on November 6, 2007 and since then, they've grown into an advertising powerhouse for brands and online marketers!

Today you can choose from numerous types of campaign objectives, targeting options, audiences, placements and formats when creating your campaigns, and keeping updated is getting harder and more expensive!

Facebook Ads has become a competitive landscape for merchants and affiliates, as they are well aware of the potential revenue due to its precise targeting options, data and insanely high ROI that its platform can deliver to their business.

How can we create a well-structured campaign that's fully optimized for your offers and that can pick up with traffic?

It's going to take a bit of work to discover the results in high earnings per click (EPC) and conversion rates (CR) for your campaign but we can start by peeking through the best Facebook Ads spy tools in 2020 to see what's working out for our competitors!!

Facebook Ads Spy Tools are here to show us exactly what our competitors are doing and allow us to discover the different ways and strategies they are improving in order to get better Facebook Ads results.

Facebook Spy Tool

We are able to actually see how they are using social ads and how it's successfully working their business.

You'll be able to check the creatives used, the Ad copy, the targeting options and audience lists that are working for their business, and so much more!

Search for the best Facebook Ads Spy Tool for your niche and get inspired!

It's not about copying and pasting your competitors' campaigns and expecting good results! Never have this misconception about how Facebook Ad Spy Tools work.

You should study their moves and actions in order to practice them yourself, and try them out with your next moves on your Facebook Ads!

Meaning that you always need to stay on top of your game by checking out what your competitors are doing.

This way, you will know exactly what to incorporate in your strategy and what you shouldn't, in order not to waste time or resources, and as we said, if it works for them, why shouldn't it work for you?

It's all about leveraging useful data and collecting it from Facebook Ad Spy Tools to create high converting social ads!

So, let's get started and improve those Facebook Ads results and dive through our favorite top 4 best free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020!

2. Top 4 Best Free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020

Top 4 Best free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020 we'll overview:

  • Facebook
  • AdEspresso
  • Swipe-Worthy


How not to mention and relay on Facebook itself?

Facebook Spy Tool

That's right! Facebook has its Facebook Ads spy tool for you to use, free!

You can peek at theads that a Page is currently running on Facebook, Instagram and Facebook Company Products, even if you aren't part of the intended audience.

To see a Page's ads you would need to Go to the Page, Select See More in the Page Transparency section and under 'Ads', from this Page select Go to Ad Library.

Facebook Ads spy tool will let you discover what ads are working at the moment based on what you are offering, and it also helps you identify which hooks and CTAs advertisers are using in your niche!

Using Facebook Ads spy tool is good for a start and it could be something you could integrate with other Facebook Ads spy tools.

This is because it's quite limited.

You are able to check many things like researching creatives, ad copy, and CTAs.

What's not possible to check is the historical data of how long an Ad has been running to see the Ad effectiveness, or which is the most successful of the many Ads shown in a group, or which audience targeting has been used for the ads, and all this information is necessary and important to know in our 'spying' research to improve and try a strategy for our Facebook Ads!

But we think it's a good start and worth trying!

Especially for new affiliates who are just starting out and still need to get the hand with spying tools. Knowing what to discover and what's needed to search for more.


AdEspresso, with over 1.5 million Facebook and Twitter Ads, gives you so many examples to learn from about your competitors and it's very easy to use!

You can find your own inspiration for your Facebook Ads based on what you feel fits you most comparing all your competitors Facebook Ads.

On their Tool, you can peek at each snapshot of each Ad, as well as the headline, text, post link and other Ads from that same advisor.

Some features AdEspresso also includes: Free adobe pdf reader.

  • Clean, easy to understand visual analytics.
  • Customizable dashboards, allowing you to pinpoint top-performing ads and focus on the numbers that mean the most to you.
  • Detailed metrics for those who want to dig deeper.


For being a free tool, BigSpy has a lot to offer, but it doesn't have much to check regarding the audience and targeting statistics. We are not saying it doesn't have it at all, but it's limited. Still great to start out with.

In order to check the efficiency of a Facebook Ad, it's necessary to have more information, but you can find a good part of the information you need with BigSpy anyways and, by clicking 'a creative', it will redirect you to the Ad campaign and Facebook, which we find pretty smart.

You can also search by marketing objectives and CTA and find the top Ad and trending creatives in your market!

In addition, from the creative or advertiser in the list of search results you can add them to your collection and get free updates when a new campaign is run from that advertiser, keeping you always updated in new strategies!

So, if you're only running a handful of campaigns and really don't need all the 'extras' offered by premium platforms, then you should for sure consider BigSpy as your option.

But if you do need to know more about your competitor's Facebook Ads then, you'd still need to make some independent research on other tools to find out more about what you need to know.

BigSpy's Facebook Ad spy tool is, for sure, really great for being free and if you're just starting out, or don't want to invest, or can't afford to invest a certain amount of money yet in competitive intelligence research tools, then go ahead and try it out!


Swipe-Worthy breaks down the dynamic elements of an Ad to assess why it's working instead of actually going through Ad screenshots.

They have a collection of case studies for you to study and check your competitor's strategies!

This gives you full access to collect your competitor Ads case studies and find inspiration for creating your own campaigns without struggling to figure it out by yourself!

It will show you cool designs and catchy slogans and it focuses on buyer's psychology and campaign strategy that will give you the opportunity in creating your own winning campaigns.

Of course, as every free Facebook Ad Spy Tool, it has a limited database number of search results. Since it's more of a case study of strategies of your competitor's Facebook Ads, it won't update you with the latest trends or show you which Ads your competitors are using at the moment.

This doesn't mean it's not useful!

This tool is great for you to make a deeper research to fully understand the concept of that strategy in use by your competitor that is making their business strike, and all you'll have to do is learn from it, and achieve better results with your Facebook Ads!

3. Top 4 Best Paid Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020

Top 4 Best Paid Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020 we'll overview:

  • MagicAdz
  • AdSector
  • AdPlexity eCommerce


PowerAdSpy is so powerful for your Facebook Ads that gives you the possibility to spy on Google Ads, Google Display, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, Quora and Native Ads!

It's a great resource for any marketer who wants to look beyond the creative and Ad copy, searching Ads by keyword, domain and advertiser and sort by the newest Ad, longest-running Ad and social engagements stats as well as targeting option and landing page properties, and so much more!

This tool gives you full access to more than 80 million ads in 88 different languages across 198 countries.

For sure, these statistics are appealing!

In fact, many successful digital marketers are using PowerAdSpy to spy on competitor's campaigns and leverage the data collected to create working campaigns for their clients!

The free version is limited, of course, but you can check out for their pricings on their chart, and see which plan fits you best!

What are you waiting for?


MagicAdz has a huge database of Ads across 49 countries and it can also find uncloaked affiliate Ads, cloaked affiliate Ads, and suspected cloaked Ads, all in one!

This Facebook Ads Spy tool will help you find actual landing pages used by advertisers and analyse their strategies and sales funnel to understand how to move with your Facebook Ads.

Pretty cool, isn't it?

What many marketers like to do smartly, is to also sort by comments to find engagement on Ads finding winning campaigns.

It's also easy for marketers who work on multiple offers at a time!

It would have a five star if there would be the inclusion of other social media channels and traffic sources, but, as per Facebook Ads, it's incredibly a win!

Who knows, they might implement it some day!

Check their prices and see which plan fits you best!


This is an incredible Facebook Ad Spy Tool that you would be an enthusiast to know about!

AdSector is a features-rich innovative Ad intelligence software that allows you to filter results by affiliates' network and tracking system to find the top-performing Ads in your niche, uncover your competitor's strategies and create your own winning campaigns.

You will also have the ability to download competitors' landing pages, audience targeting and detailed analytics on each creative!

You filter by interest and understand the intent of the Ad and search page content to uncover eCommerce platforms and sales funnels too.

Of course, you would need to have a high budget in order to use their Facebook Ad Spy tool since it's pretty expensive but, as we all know, a good investment always brings good results!

Check out their price and get started!

5 01 BUSINESS INCUBATION DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES TRAINEE MANUAL Suite 1 Business Incubation Basics INTRODUCTION TO THE TRAINING PROGRAM This is the trainee manual for Module 1 – out of 11 modules in total - of infoDev's State-of-the-Art Business Incubation Training Program for Business Incubator Managers in Developing Countries. PDF 'International Cases on Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer' is monograph edited by Dariusz M. Trzmielak and David V. Business Incubation Industry study since it is. Types of business incubation programs Source: 2006 State of the Business Incubation Industry. Today, new incubators are mostly specialized. For practical considerations, incubators can start as mixed use, and become more specialized over time. July 2006 Seven Components of a Successful Business Incubator Summarized by Teresa Gillotti and Ryan Ziegelbauer. Business incubators are facilities that provide small, entrepreneurial businesses with affordable space, shared support and business development services. They can help young businesses during their start-up period when. 2006 state of the business incubation industry pdf printer copier. Historical background of Business Incubators in the World Over the last 50 years, business incubators have evolved in different ways.The first incubator was established in 1959 in Batavia, New York in the United States, but until the 1970s' this concept was unique (Wiggins.

AdPlexity eCommerce

Their platform is easy to use, and you can search competitive Ads using keywords, advertisers' URLs, publishers, affiliate networks, country, and traffic sources!

AdPlexity offers all this with six different tools for you to choose from!

That's right! You just have to figure out which one is the best for you and.. get it!

All AdPlexity eCommerce tools will provide you with a range of data related to the world of eCommerce and affiliate marketing.

They'll give you full access to information on market trends, product and store value and other related data.

AdPlexity lets you analyse online markets and keep track of what your competitors are doing.

Their products have been designed to quickly and accurately provide you with data relevant to your company and industry!

Spying on facebook

We are able to actually see how they are using social ads and how it's successfully working their business.

You'll be able to check the creatives used, the Ad copy, the targeting options and audience lists that are working for their business, and so much more!

Search for the best Facebook Ads Spy Tool for your niche and get inspired!

It's not about copying and pasting your competitors' campaigns and expecting good results! Never have this misconception about how Facebook Ad Spy Tools work.

You should study their moves and actions in order to practice them yourself, and try them out with your next moves on your Facebook Ads!

Meaning that you always need to stay on top of your game by checking out what your competitors are doing.

This way, you will know exactly what to incorporate in your strategy and what you shouldn't, in order not to waste time or resources, and as we said, if it works for them, why shouldn't it work for you?

It's all about leveraging useful data and collecting it from Facebook Ad Spy Tools to create high converting social ads!

So, let's get started and improve those Facebook Ads results and dive through our favorite top 4 best free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020!

2. Top 4 Best Free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020

Top 4 Best free Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020 we'll overview:

  • Facebook
  • AdEspresso
  • Swipe-Worthy


How not to mention and relay on Facebook itself?

That's right! Facebook has its Facebook Ads spy tool for you to use, free!

You can peek at theads that a Page is currently running on Facebook, Instagram and Facebook Company Products, even if you aren't part of the intended audience.

To see a Page's ads you would need to Go to the Page, Select See More in the Page Transparency section and under 'Ads', from this Page select Go to Ad Library.

Facebook Ads spy tool will let you discover what ads are working at the moment based on what you are offering, and it also helps you identify which hooks and CTAs advertisers are using in your niche!

Using Facebook Ads spy tool is good for a start and it could be something you could integrate with other Facebook Ads spy tools.

This is because it's quite limited.

You are able to check many things like researching creatives, ad copy, and CTAs.

What's not possible to check is the historical data of how long an Ad has been running to see the Ad effectiveness, or which is the most successful of the many Ads shown in a group, or which audience targeting has been used for the ads, and all this information is necessary and important to know in our 'spying' research to improve and try a strategy for our Facebook Ads!

But we think it's a good start and worth trying!

Especially for new affiliates who are just starting out and still need to get the hand with spying tools. Knowing what to discover and what's needed to search for more.


AdEspresso, with over 1.5 million Facebook and Twitter Ads, gives you so many examples to learn from about your competitors and it's very easy to use!

You can find your own inspiration for your Facebook Ads based on what you feel fits you most comparing all your competitors Facebook Ads.

On their Tool, you can peek at each snapshot of each Ad, as well as the headline, text, post link and other Ads from that same advisor.

Some features AdEspresso also includes: Free adobe pdf reader.

  • Clean, easy to understand visual analytics.
  • Customizable dashboards, allowing you to pinpoint top-performing ads and focus on the numbers that mean the most to you.
  • Detailed metrics for those who want to dig deeper.


For being a free tool, BigSpy has a lot to offer, but it doesn't have much to check regarding the audience and targeting statistics. We are not saying it doesn't have it at all, but it's limited. Still great to start out with.

In order to check the efficiency of a Facebook Ad, it's necessary to have more information, but you can find a good part of the information you need with BigSpy anyways and, by clicking 'a creative', it will redirect you to the Ad campaign and Facebook, which we find pretty smart.

You can also search by marketing objectives and CTA and find the top Ad and trending creatives in your market!

In addition, from the creative or advertiser in the list of search results you can add them to your collection and get free updates when a new campaign is run from that advertiser, keeping you always updated in new strategies!

So, if you're only running a handful of campaigns and really don't need all the 'extras' offered by premium platforms, then you should for sure consider BigSpy as your option.

But if you do need to know more about your competitor's Facebook Ads then, you'd still need to make some independent research on other tools to find out more about what you need to know.

BigSpy's Facebook Ad spy tool is, for sure, really great for being free and if you're just starting out, or don't want to invest, or can't afford to invest a certain amount of money yet in competitive intelligence research tools, then go ahead and try it out!


Swipe-Worthy breaks down the dynamic elements of an Ad to assess why it's working instead of actually going through Ad screenshots.

They have a collection of case studies for you to study and check your competitor's strategies!

This gives you full access to collect your competitor Ads case studies and find inspiration for creating your own campaigns without struggling to figure it out by yourself!

It will show you cool designs and catchy slogans and it focuses on buyer's psychology and campaign strategy that will give you the opportunity in creating your own winning campaigns.

Of course, as every free Facebook Ad Spy Tool, it has a limited database number of search results. Since it's more of a case study of strategies of your competitor's Facebook Ads, it won't update you with the latest trends or show you which Ads your competitors are using at the moment.

This doesn't mean it's not useful!

This tool is great for you to make a deeper research to fully understand the concept of that strategy in use by your competitor that is making their business strike, and all you'll have to do is learn from it, and achieve better results with your Facebook Ads!

3. Top 4 Best Paid Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020

Top 4 Best Paid Facebook Ads Spy Tools in 2020 we'll overview:

  • MagicAdz
  • AdSector
  • AdPlexity eCommerce


PowerAdSpy is so powerful for your Facebook Ads that gives you the possibility to spy on Google Ads, Google Display, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, Quora and Native Ads!

It's a great resource for any marketer who wants to look beyond the creative and Ad copy, searching Ads by keyword, domain and advertiser and sort by the newest Ad, longest-running Ad and social engagements stats as well as targeting option and landing page properties, and so much more!

This tool gives you full access to more than 80 million ads in 88 different languages across 198 countries.

For sure, these statistics are appealing!

In fact, many successful digital marketers are using PowerAdSpy to spy on competitor's campaigns and leverage the data collected to create working campaigns for their clients!

The free version is limited, of course, but you can check out for their pricings on their chart, and see which plan fits you best!

What are you waiting for?


MagicAdz has a huge database of Ads across 49 countries and it can also find uncloaked affiliate Ads, cloaked affiliate Ads, and suspected cloaked Ads, all in one!

This Facebook Ads Spy tool will help you find actual landing pages used by advertisers and analyse their strategies and sales funnel to understand how to move with your Facebook Ads.

Pretty cool, isn't it?

What many marketers like to do smartly, is to also sort by comments to find engagement on Ads finding winning campaigns.

It's also easy for marketers who work on multiple offers at a time!

It would have a five star if there would be the inclusion of other social media channels and traffic sources, but, as per Facebook Ads, it's incredibly a win!

Who knows, they might implement it some day!

Check their prices and see which plan fits you best!


This is an incredible Facebook Ad Spy Tool that you would be an enthusiast to know about!

AdSector is a features-rich innovative Ad intelligence software that allows you to filter results by affiliates' network and tracking system to find the top-performing Ads in your niche, uncover your competitor's strategies and create your own winning campaigns.

You will also have the ability to download competitors' landing pages, audience targeting and detailed analytics on each creative!

You filter by interest and understand the intent of the Ad and search page content to uncover eCommerce platforms and sales funnels too.

Of course, you would need to have a high budget in order to use their Facebook Ad Spy tool since it's pretty expensive but, as we all know, a good investment always brings good results!

Check out their price and get started!

5 01 BUSINESS INCUBATION DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES TRAINEE MANUAL Suite 1 Business Incubation Basics INTRODUCTION TO THE TRAINING PROGRAM This is the trainee manual for Module 1 – out of 11 modules in total - of infoDev's State-of-the-Art Business Incubation Training Program for Business Incubator Managers in Developing Countries. PDF 'International Cases on Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer' is monograph edited by Dariusz M. Trzmielak and David V. Business Incubation Industry study since it is. Types of business incubation programs Source: 2006 State of the Business Incubation Industry. Today, new incubators are mostly specialized. For practical considerations, incubators can start as mixed use, and become more specialized over time. July 2006 Seven Components of a Successful Business Incubator Summarized by Teresa Gillotti and Ryan Ziegelbauer. Business incubators are facilities that provide small, entrepreneurial businesses with affordable space, shared support and business development services. They can help young businesses during their start-up period when. 2006 state of the business incubation industry pdf printer copier. Historical background of Business Incubators in the World Over the last 50 years, business incubators have evolved in different ways.The first incubator was established in 1959 in Batavia, New York in the United States, but until the 1970s' this concept was unique (Wiggins.

AdPlexity eCommerce

Their platform is easy to use, and you can search competitive Ads using keywords, advertisers' URLs, publishers, affiliate networks, country, and traffic sources!

AdPlexity offers all this with six different tools for you to choose from!

That's right! You just have to figure out which one is the best for you and.. get it!

All AdPlexity eCommerce tools will provide you with a range of data related to the world of eCommerce and affiliate marketing.

They'll give you full access to information on market trends, product and store value and other related data.

AdPlexity lets you analyse online markets and keep track of what your competitors are doing.

Their products have been designed to quickly and accurately provide you with data relevant to your company and industry!

Check out AdPlexity Facebook Ad spy Tools and Prices and discover your best fit to create winning campaigns in record time.

Jan 23, 2020 The Sims 4 is host to many of the strangest mods of the franchise. Chief among them is the WickedWoohoo mod, perhaps the most disturbing and graphic mod of the entire Sims franchise. What is this most depraved of weird mods from The Sims 4? Not all of the mods out there are inappropriate, though. There are a lot of silly and funny mods from The. Released a couple of months ago and further updated this week, WickedWoohoo is a mod that allows players to do an extraordinary number of new sex-related acts within The Sims 4. Seriously: the. The Sims 4 is the latest in the franchise, and while it doesn't have some level of realism, the underlying animations and visuals are thematically cartoonish. Well for those who prefer to play the game not as an escape from reality but as an alternative, you have a wide variety of aesthetic mods that change the structure of Sims' models to give.

Here we come to our conclusions.

We have fully understood that Facebook Ads Spy Tools are helpful to grab the best insights and tips of your competitor's Ads and why they are working!

Think of social Ads as a long-term game and not as trying to find a shortcut to overnight success.

Facebook Spy Tool

It's important to spy on your competitor's Facebook Ads to discover and easily practice their strategy efficiently through the best Facebook Ad Spy tools in 2020, but remember, they won't do all the work for you!

Facebook Ads Spy Tool

Now that we've covered all the best Facebook Ads Spy tools in 2020, are you ready to check our other article on how to launch a profitable e-Commerce campaign on Facebook Adsand Which affiliate offers make money on Facebook Ads?

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